WCDSN Early Intervention

The Early Intervention Program is a program of infant/child stimulation and parent training serving children with a diagnosed special need or with developmental delays.

Through this program, parents can understand more about their child’s abilities, making decisions about goals, learn about ways to assist with their child’s growth and development at home, and to learn more about community resources that are available.

Williamsburg County DSN currently employs 1 full-time Early Interventionists, who has the care and compassion to help each family, and making sure each child can develop to their individual potential.

To make a referral for a child ages birth through 3, call the local First Steps Office at (843)236-5402 ext. 104 .

You can also call Babynet at (843) 331-2025.







Our Mission

Individuals Making Choices Achieving  Goals In New Environments



61 Greenlee Street
Kingstree, South Carolina 29556

(843) 355-5481