PDD Waiver Services

Williamsburg County Disabilities & Special Needs Board provides PDD Waiver Services. In 2007, SCDHHS and SCDDSN received approval to offer the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) Waiver as an option. This option allows children wiht a Pervasive Developmental Disorder to choose to receive care at home rather than in an Intermediate Care Facility for the Intellectually Disabled (ICF/ID). Although a parent/guardian may choode to have their child receive care at home, the child must require the degree of care that would be provided in the ICF/ID. In other words, parents/guardians choosing this option must have a child who meets ICF/ID level of care.

The purpose of the PDD Waiver is to serve children with a Pervasive Developement Disorder in the community, whose waiver service needs will not exceed the individual cost limit set forth in the waiver. It also offers opportunities for parents or responsible parties to self-direct Line Therapy services if they choose.

The PDD Waiver will focus or utilizing the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to treat children who have been diagnosed wiht a Pervasive Development Disorder to include Autistic Disorder (here in after referred to as autism) and Asperger's Syndrome.

As of January 1, 2010, Medicaid through South Carolina's PDD Waiver funds the following Services:

Case Management

Early Intensive Behavior Intervention
1. EIBI Assessment
2. EIBI Program Development and Training
3. EIBI Plan Implementation
4. EIBI Lead Therapy
5. EIBI Line Therapy

In order to be eligible for services through the PDD Waiver, a chid must::

~ Be ages 3 through 10 years.
~ Be diagnosed wiht a PDD before age eight years. The diagnosis must be made by a    qualified, licensed or certified diagnostician. Children who are currently eligible for    DDSN under the Autism Division must also meet these criteria. Diagnostic    documentation must include information supporting a DSM-IV rating.
~ Be eligible to receive Medicaid (or provide documentation of financial ineligibility for    Medicaid). This does not mean that the child must be receiving Medicaid but instead    means that, once application is made, Medicaid will likely be awarded. The    determination of eligibility for Medicaid is made by the SCDHHS Eligibility Division.
~ Meet ICF/ID Level Care medical criteria. The DDSN Consumer Assessment Team    (CAT) makes the initial and annual Level of Care (LOC) determiniation.

Once these criteria are met and a slot becomes available, the child can be enrolled in the waiver. Upon enrollment, approved Providers will be authorized to render the needed services that are indicated on the child's Support Plan and included in the child's budget.

NOTE: Children who meet the age and diagnostic criteria but do not meet ICF/ID Level of Care or are denied Medicaid eligibility may receive services outside the waiver through the PDD State Funded Program if funding is available. However, the child and parents/guardians must comply with all other program requirements and stipulations.

Our Mission

Individuals Making Choices Achieving  Goals In New Environments



61 Greenlee Street
Kingstree, South Carolina 29556

(843) 355-5481