Residential Services

Williamsburg County Disabilities and Special Needs currently oversee and operate 5 residential programs.  Programs include three Community Training Home I’s (CTH I) and five Community Training Home II’s (CTH II).  Our residential programs provide a safe and homelike environment for 23 individuals with disabilities and special needs.  Each of these  programs are operated in accordance with various standards and procedures that provide very specific guidelines that determine who is eligible for the various programs; how the programs need to operate; and what qualifications staff members must possess.

The mission of Williamsburg County Disabilities and Special Needs Board residential program is to provide services to all consumers that promote their well-being, safety, independence, and inclusion in the community, within a setting that provides both a caring and compassionate environment.

The Vision of Williamsburg County Disabilities and Special Needs Board residential program is to provide quality services to our existing consumers while continuing to develop and enhance the variety of services that are available to the consumers, their families, and their caregivers in Williamsburg County.

Community Training Home II (CTH II)

Our agency currently owns and operates seven  (7) CTH II’s within Williamsburg County.  Each CTH II provides a home to 4 people.  The people who live in these homes do attend some type of agency sponsored program during the day or work part-time jobs within the community.  Agency staff work in the CTH II’s beginning in the mornings when people are transported to their daytime programs.  On weekends, staff works in the homes 24 hours a day.  There is also one RN on staff who oversees the basic medical needs of the people who reside in these homes.  People living in our CTH II’s do receive a variety of skills training to help them become more independent in many areas.  The overall goal is to help people move on to lesser restrictive living environments.  These CTH II’s are operated under the guidance and operating standards as put forth by SC DDSN.  These homes are surveyed every three years by SCDDSN to ensure all operations are in compliance with mandated standards.  Williamsburg County DSN staff also consistently monitors the overall operations of these homes on a regular basis.  

Community Training Home I (CTH I)
Our agency currently oversees the operation of one (1) CTH I’s.  A CTH I is a home in which persons with a disability lives with families in our community.  The families have made the choice to provide residential care to people with disabilities in accordance with the various standards and regulations mandated by the SC Dept. of Disabilities and Special Needs.  These homes provide a safe and very homelike living situation to people – in fact – the people who live in these homes are considered members of the family.  The CTH I's do have various operating standards and procedures that guide the overall operations of the facility and are surveyed every three years by SC DDSN staff for compliance.  Folks who reside in our CTH I’s do receive skills training and support to prepare them for the possibility of living on their own or in a Supervised Living Program one day.  These homes are monitored by both SCDDSN as well as staff from the Williamsburg County Disabilities and Special Needs. 

For more information contact:
Williamsburg County Disabilities and Special Needs Board
61 Greenlee Street
Kingstree, South Carolina 29556
843-355-5481  Office               

Our Mission

Individuals Making Choices Achieving  Goals In New Environments



61 Greenlee Street
Kingstree, South Carolina 29556

(843) 355-5481